Physical Exams
Please stop by the Patient Administration Office before scheduling any appointments. All forms and documents can be picked up on the third floor of USNH Yokosuka, room 3B33. Call 243-5349 with any questions about physical exam requirements. Once all paperwork is verified by the physical exam coordinator, necessary labs will be ordered and further direction will be given. Please assure your Periodic Health Assessment is up to date before scheduling any exams. Screenings will not be scheduled if the member's PHA is out of date. See our PHA page for more information.
Separation/Retirement Physicals can be started six months prior to EAOS. Final appointments are 40 minutes long and will not be booked unless ALL other requirements listed below are complete. The Physical exam coordinator will verify requirements are met before booking the final appointment. These appointments cannot be booked same day, so plan accordingly.
Flight physical paperwork can be started at USNH Yokosuka, but appointments will need to be made with Aviation Medicine Atsugi to complete the physical exam.
Aviation Medicine Atsugi can be reached at 264-3198/3964.
Physical Exams and Requirements
Premarital Physicals: Active Duty must have up to date PHA, HIV, RPR (within the past 6 months). Prospective spouses get seen out in town. They must have the lab results translated into English (if they are not already) and notarized for Chest X-ray, HIV, and RPR. Memorandum will be typed by the physical exams department once labs are verified.
Submarine/Dive Physicals/SAR: DD Form 2807-1, DD Form 2808, Labs, Dental, Audiology, Optometry, Radiology, EKG. Will be seen by the UMO for the final physical.
Pre-commissioning/General Physicals: DD Form 2807-1, DD Form 2808, Labs, Dental, Audiology, Optometry, Radiology, EKG.
Separation/Retirement: DD Form 2807-1, DD Form 2808, SF 600, NPPSC Separation Questionnaire, Labs, Dental, Audiology, Optometry.
Re-enlistment: DD Form 2807-1 and Re-enlistment Ceremony Interview Sheet from command Enlistment: Applicant gets forms from Recruiter. Must complete DD Form 2807-1, DD Form 2808, Labs, Optometry Flight Physical/LCAC: Up to date PHA, NAVMED 6410/10, DD Form 2992, Optometry, Audiology, call Atsugi for appt.
Command Sponsorship: Start Medical/Dental Record, Dental exam, immunizations, medical exam, well woman/well child appt. Must complete DD Form 2807-1 and NAVMED 1300/1.
Once complete, they will receive a NAVPERS 1300/16 from the physical exams department.