Preventive Medicine Department
The head of the Preventive Medicine Department reports to the Director for Public Health. The Preventive Medicine Department provides support to hospital initiatives involving Disease Management and Infection Control. It administers the tuberculosis program for the command and, when necessary, provides counseling, contact investigation, follow-up, training and reporting for communicable diseases. Additionally, the department oversees the operation of the Immunizations Clinic and also monitors the preventive medicine function of each of the BHCs. The department provides epidemiological surveillance and conducts investigations as required to identify and contain illnesses associated with food and waterborne disease. The department maintains communication with health officials at both prefectural and local levels for surveillance purposes.
Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology Division
The Lead Petty Officer of the Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology Division works directly with the Department Head in conducting daily patient encounters for tuberculosis surveillance, contact investigations for sexually transmitted infections and travel medicine consults. Disease surveillance is conducted through a variety of military and civilian sources to include ESSENCE, NDRSi and Japanese Public Health websites.
Environmental Health Division
Environmental Health is a division of the Preventive Medicine Department. The Division Officer reports to the Department Head. The core responsibilities of the division are governed by NAVMED P-5010 and include food safety, sanitation of living spaces and service facilities, heat stress, swimming pool sanitation, ensuring safe water supply, proper waste disposal/sanitation and pest control. The division maintains liaison with appropriate Army Veterinary Corps and Public Works Center personnel for the purposes of ongoing surveillance.
Immunizations Division
The Immunizations Clinic is a division of the Preventive Medicine Department. The Division Officer, usually the Head Immunizations Nurse, reports to the Department Head. The general principles, procedures, policies, and responsibilities for the immunizations program are governed by BUMEDINST 6230.15B. The immunizations clinic provides vaccinations to all eligible beneficiaries for the purposes of preventive health, operational readiness, and traveler health to protect individuals and the community from the spread of disease.
Health Promotion & Wellness Division
Health Promotion and Wellness mission is to provide innovative and evidence-based health promotion and wellness programs and services that facilitate readiness and resilience, prevent illness and injury, hasten recovery and promote lifelong healthy behaviors and lifestyles. Our vision is to be a world-class Center of Excellence empowering people to live healthier lives.
For a description of classes and activities available through The Wellness Center please visit the The Wellness Center & Health Promotion Department's public page.