About Us

Contact Us

For appointments, call 243-5352, or contact your provider online using medical home port
For specific clinic hours and numbers, visit our Directory Page.

Customer Service

Patient Advocate

US: 011-81-46-816-8627
DSN: 315-243-8627
Email: usn.yokosuka.usnmrtc-yokosuka.mbx.customer@health.mil

Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator/Debt Collection Assistance Officer 

US: 011-81-46-816-8992
DSN: 315-243-8823/8992

Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE)

Other Contacts

Command sponsorship program resources and contact info can be found on our Welcome Aboard Page.
Japanese Fellowship program resources and contact info can be found on Fellowship Program.

MEDEVAC Office information and contact info can be found on the MEDEVAC Page.

General Information and customer feedback: usn.yokosuka.usnmrtc-yokosuka.mbx.customer@health.mil
Website corrections: usn.yokosuka.navhospyokosukaja.mbx.usnh-yokosuka-webmaster@health.mil
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!