About Us

Inspector General (IG) Hotline


Mission of the IG Hotline

The mission of the IG Hotline is to provide a method to receive and investigate allegations of significant fraud, waste, abuse and/or mismanagement. Military and civilian personnel are required to report suspected wrongdoing to their chain of command. This is the preferred mechanism because it reinforces the primacy of the chain of command and allows problems to be addressed at the lowest level. The IG Hotline provides an alternative to the chain of command when a complainant reasonably fears reprisal or believes that the chain of command has been unresponsive.

Matters Appropriate for Hotline Complaints

The following are issues which could be investigated at the command level.

Abuse of title or position
Conflicts of Interests
Ethics Violations
False Official Statements & Claims
Gifts (improper receipt or giving)
Improper Referral for Mental Health Evaluations
Mismanagement/Organization Oversight (significant Cases)
Misuse of Official Time, Government Property, Position and Public Office
Political Activities
Purchase Card Abuse
Reprisal (Military Whistleblower Protection)
Safety/Public Health (Substantial/Specific)
Systemic Problems
Time and Attendance (Significant Violations)
Travel Card Abuse
Travel Fraud (TDY and TAD)

Proper Use of the IG Hotline

Those who willfully and knowingly file false allegations are subject to prosecution and/or administrative action. Some issues should not be addressed via the IG Hotline as they may be more appropriately handled by other organizational entities (Human Resources Staff, Equal Opportunity Advisor - as applicable). Those complainants actively pursuing issues via alternative means (i.e. EEO complaints, personnel grievance, etc.) should not utilize the IG Hotline to address the same issues. Complainants should not submit simultaneous allegations to multiple IG Hotlines (Regional, Department of the Navy (DON), Department of Defense (DOD), etc.)
Anyone may file a hotline complaint. You may remain anonymous but we will not be able to contact you for more information. You may request confidentiality, and we will make every effort to prevent disclosure of your identity, but we cannot guarantee confidentiality.

How to file a local IG Hotline Complaint:

If you intend to submit in person or by email, please download and fill out our IG form.
  1. Verbally - Call the Hotline recording at 243-8010 and leave a message.
  2. In person - With the Inspector General located in the main hospital, building 1400, room 2A10.
  3. Electronic mail - Send an e-mail to:NavyUSNHYokosukaIGHotline@mail.mil. This method does not protect your anonymity. By using this method you acknowledge that your privacy is not guaranteed because your complaint has not been encrypted. If you are not comfortable submitting your complaint via e-mail, you may mail your complaint to us at the below address.
  4. Mail the Naval Hospital Yokosuka IG Hotline Form or your complaint to:

PSC 475 Box 1
FPO AP 96350

Resolution and status of Hotline Complaints:

Most investigations are completed within 90 days. While the investigation is ongoing, we can only tell you whether the case is open. Once the investigation is closed, if the complainant has identified themselves they will receive a letter informing them whether the allegations were substantiated or unsubstantiated.

Contact Us

Report Fraud, Waste,
and Mismanagement to
one of the following Contact:

USNH YOKOSUKA Representative

DSN: 315-243-8010
COM: 046-816-8010
E-mail: NavyUSNHYokosukaIGHotline@mail.mil


COM: 1-619-767-6068
Fax COM: 1-619-767-6058


DSN: 301-295-9019
COM: 1-800-637-6175
Fax DSN: 1-301-295-9022

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!