Health Services

2024 Flu Vaccination Campaign

Flu Shot Season is right around the corner. These events are open to all SOFA-sponsored personnel.

To get a shot, attend one of the listed events and bring:
1. Filled out DHA Form 116. See forms below
2. ID Card
3. DOD ID numbers for all children dependents. For children under 10 with no ID card, DOD ID numbers can be found in DEERS. 

To ensure efficient receipt of the flu vaccine at our community events, please ensure that you and your family members are registered to Naval Hospital Yokosuka,
and if you are a TRICARE beneficiary, that you are empaneled to a Naval Hospital Yokosuka medical team (or that you are assigned a Naval Hospital Yokosuka PCM.)

To register at the Naval Hospital, see our staff at the Outpatient Records office, located on the first deck of the main hospital, anytime between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Flu Vaccine will not be offered in the Immunization Clinic until a time to be determined later, following the final community mass vaccination event.

Important Forms for the 2024-25 Flu Season

2024 FLU SCREEN FORM DHA 116 FLU_SCREEN FORM_DHA_116.pdf?ver=9hCdtHdEuNxyLuqhlb77qw%3d%3d





Administrative paperwork (e.g., IMMS screening portion of OSS packet, command sponsorship packets, immunization record entry, etc.) can be dropped off at the clinic with a 72-hour turnaround time.

COVID-19 Vaccine

The CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older get an updated COVID-19 vaccine to protect against the potentially serious outcomes of COVID-19 illness.

FDA-approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccines are currently available to all U.S. citizens and residents. Visit the CDC website for more information.

Concerns with the vaccine?

Speak with a Vaccine Expert. You may contact the DHA-Immunization Healthcare Support Center at 877-GET-VACC (877-438-8222) option 1, or Defense Switched Network (DSN) 761-4245, option 1, if you have questions about the vaccines or about an adverse event following vaccination.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to bring?

Please pick up your medical record from Outpatient Records before coming to the Immunizations Clinic. Documentation is an important part of your visit to ensure that you receive the correct immunizations at the correct time. Every patient 18 years and over will need to have their ID Card with them at their appointment. All patients under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent/guardian with an ID. Please bring your CDC card you, so this can be updated.

Do I Need an Appointment?

Appointments are available for all enrolled beneficiaries.

  • Appointments are available Monday-Friday, 8-10 a.m. and 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (except the second and fourth Wednesday afternoons of the month, when the clinic is closed for mandatory training).
  • All patients (to include ‘Space A’ ) may walk-in to the clinic Monday-Friday, 8-10 a.m.
  • Active duty service members may walk-in on Thursday and Friday afternoons, 1-3 p.m.
  • Appointments may be added for 1-3 p.m. on the same day if appointment is made before 10 a.m.

How long is the wait?

There is a significant amount of paperwork that must be done for each patient, even if there are no immunizations received. Each record is screened completely. Sometimes, it takes more than one corpsman to care for a patient at a time (e.g., infants and children). Wait times are decreased when patients save their questions for their number to be called and appointment time, allowing for a constant flow to the front desk staff. On average, it takes 15 minutes from the time a patient's number is called to administration of vaccine(s), and that is in the case that all necessary documentation is present.

What if my child is in school during clinic hours?

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide vaccines to all school age children on a walk-in basis during the short time between school release and clinic closure. If your child has an appointment, or if you walk in with your child for their vaccinations Monday-Friday, 8-10 a.m., we can provide an excuse note for your child to take to the front office upon their return to school.

When will I need my next shots?

After receiving service in the clinic, you will be told when to return if necessary. If it is a vaccination series, the clinic will provide you with a reminder card informing you of when the next vaccine is due. Active duty service members have a schedule to follow that remains constant during their service. Command sponsored dependents and school-age children have simple requirements that can be provided to you in writing from the clinic.

Can I have someone review my record and my child’s record?

You may retrieve your child’s vaccination record from Outpatient Records. Each patient’s record is screened for completion and accuracy. If you or your children received vaccines within CONUS, especially from a civilian medical center, you must bring this documentation to the Immunization Clinic or to Outpatient Records for entry into the hospital’s electronic medical record system. We have a 72-hour turnaround time for all administrative paperwork. If you do not provide the clinic with up-to-date documentation, we are unable to provide the necessary vaccines. We must ensure the vaccinations are needed, and that the appropriate time interval has been met for each vaccine dose.

Can I have a friend bring in my child?

In the event you do not have the ability to provide care for your child due to absence, you can obtain an “IN LOCO PARENTIS” or “Power of Attorney” in the name of the child for a guardian. This documentation must be presented at time of service and should be placed into the medical record as well.

What shots do I need for command sponsorship?

You will need proof of, or receipt of one Tdap (Tetanus), three Hepatitis B, two MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), and two varicella doses. You may also come to the clinic to have titers ordered through the laboratory for all but the Tdap vaccine. You will then go to the lab to have these titers drawn and wait to see if you are immune. It can take as many as two weeks to get titer results. If you are not immune, you must return to the Immunizations Clinic to receive the vaccines. The paperwork can be signed after administration of the first dose, as you will at that time be considered “up to date”. However, you will need to receive the remaining doses of the series at the appropriate respective intervals.

What shots do I need for a visa?

The visa vaccination requirements are similar to the command sponsorship vaccines provided above. However, in addition for a visa you must have a 3-dose series of Tdap, the primary COVID-19 vaccination series, and seasonal flu vaccine. You may also request titers for Hep B, MMR, and Varicella.

What shots do I need for travel to a foreign country?

You may call the Travel Clinic within the Preventive Medicine Department at 046-816-6184 (DSN 315-243-6184), or 046-816-5026 (DSN 315-243-5026) to make an appointment for any travel-related vaccination and medication requirements.

Contact Us

Central Appointment Line

Call 243-5352 to make an appointment.

Immunization Clinic Hours

8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Closed after noon the second and fourth Wednesday of each month for training
Weekends and holidays


8-10 a.m., 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Well-baby/well-child visits that require immunizations will be offered a same day appointment.


All (including Space A)

8-10 a.m.

Active Duty Only

Thursday and Friday
1-3 p.m.
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!