Our Services
Primary care is available to all ages by appointment, with availability well within TRICARE Prime standards. Well-baby and Well-woman care is available. Prenatal care is provided by TRICARE-affiliated host nation hospitals in the local area.
Specialty Care
Patients must be referred by medical officer. We utilize the local TRICARE host nation hospitals at Samsung Masan Hospital and GNUH Changwon Hospital for specialty care. Referrals to other TRICARE host nation hospitals will be performed as needed. Patients can also be referred to Camp Walker's Wood PCMH or Brian D. Allgood Army Community Hospital for some specialty care.
Incoming personnel
Active duty service members must be fit for full duty. Before arrival, all individuals (active duty and family members) must undergo screening per BUMEDINST 1300.2 series coordinated through a military medical treatment facility. We are unable to accept persons with chronic conditions (including most Exceptional Family Members) that require regular specialist care and/or are reasonably expected to become life threatening (asthma, heart disease, etc.). The determining factor for suitability at any location is almost always the underlying condition, not the availability of a particular medication. Please communicate with us about all chronic conditions to ensure the patient’s needs can be met. Email for Overseas Screening inquiries is usn.yokosuka.usnmrtc-yokosuka.list.nh-yokosuka-overseas-screen@health.mil.
Our formulary is small but stocked to handle many common illnesses and conditions. Persons taking chronic medications must arrive with a 30-day supply in their possession. Most medications can be obtained through our on site formulary or through local Army pharmacy supply chains.
Optometry and Eyeglasses
Optometry and eyeglasses are not available at this clinic. People who need glasses should have an eye exam before arrival and bring a copy of their current prescription as well as a spare set of current glasses. Glasses may be purchased locally through Korean merchants with a current prescription. Eye exams and eyeglasses may also be obtained from the U.S. Army Optometry Clinic in Daegu.
Dental Care
Provided once per quarter by visiting U.S. Army dental personnel from the 618th Dental Company in Daegu. When available, they provide only examinations, cleanings and simple dental surgery. Acute care is obtained from local Korean civilian dentists or more distant U.S. Army dental facilities in Daegu.
Veterinary Care
U.S. Army veterinarians from Daegu visit CFAC as scheduled.
Health Promotion & Wellness
Please visit our Health Promotion & Wellness page tab located at the top of the page for information on classes, education, and services.