Getting Care

Welcome Aboard

Konichiwa and Welcome Aboard!

Congratulations on joining the U.S. Naval Hospital Yokosuka team! In order to facilitate a smooth transition into the command we have provided this website which includes information about our sponsorship program and a number of links with information that will be helpful. We have a robust sponsorship program in place to ensure that each incoming member has a single point of contact to help you in your transition. Your sponsor will contact you shortly to provide you with information concerning, transferring, living conditions, and answer any questions you may have. Please stay in contact with your sponsor and keep them appraised to your travel arrangements and transition. If you have just received orders to Naval Hospital Yokosuka, a welcome aboard package will be sent to you, or you can get a copy below.

Your Welcome Aboard Package:

If you don't have a sponsor yet, or you would like to contact the command's sponsorship team, you can contact us at: Email -

DSN - 315-243-8665
COM - 011-81-46-816-8665

Military Personnel

Upon arrival, you will be met by your sponsor, and report to the Quarterdeck to have the Chief of the Day (COD) endorse your orders. Then proceed to Human Resources Department (HRD) to start your check-in process. If you report to the COD after normal working hours, then report to HRD the next working day at 0745. HRD is located on the 3rd floor.

Again, welcome to U.S. Naval Hospital Yokosuka.


Contact Us


On Base: 911
Off Base: 119

Hospital Information

US: 011-81-46-816-7144
DSN: 243-7144
Off Base: 046-816-7144

Central Appointments

US: 011-81-46-816-5352
DSN: 243-5352
Off Base: 046-816-5352
Make Appointments Online

MHS Nurse Advice Line (NAL)

Off Base: 0120-996-985 or 00-66-3382-1820
DSN: 94-888-901-7144
From US: 1-888-901-7144
From Korea: 08-0500-4011

Prescription Refill System

US: 011-81-46-816-4689
DSN: 243-4689
Off Base: 046-816-4689

Customer Relations

DNS: 315-243-8627
Email: Customer Service

TRICARE Service Center

US: 011-81-46-816-9528
DSN: 243-9528
Off Base: 046-816-9528

Emergency Room

US: 011-81-46-816-5137
DSN: 243-5137
Off Base: 046-816-5137

Dental Clinic Front Desk

US: 011-81-46-816-8808
DSN: 243-8808
Off Base: 046-816-8808

Fleet Liaison

US: 011-81-46-816-7105
DSN: 243-7105
Off Base: 046-816-7105
Email: Fleet Liaison

Periodic Health

US: 011-81-46-816-2855
DSN: 243-2855
Off Base: 046-816-2855

Voting Assistance Officer

US: 011-81-46-816-8508
DSN: 243-8508
Off Base: 046-816-8508
Email: Voting Assistance

Transparency in Medicine

Learn more about the program by clicking on one of the following links:

See How We're Doing

Compare Military Health System Hospitals and Clinics


Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!