Health Services

Hospital Care & Surgery

Hospital Care & Surgery is medically necessary care that you need for a sudden illness or injury that isn’t life threatening. It does require immediate attention from a medical professional to avoid complications, like infection.

Emergency care, on the other hand, is care you need to treat a serious medical condition immediately. This includes a mental health emergency. An emergency is a threat to either:

• Life
• Limb
• Sight
• Safety

Contact Us


On Base: 911
Off Base: 119

Hospital Information-24H

US: 011-81-46-816-7144
DSN: 243-7144
Off Base: 046-816-7144

Emergency Room

US: 011-81-46-816-5137
DSN: 243-5137
Off Base: 046-816-5137
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!