Getting Care

Driving Directions

To find NH Yokosuka on Google Maps, and get driving directions, click this link:

Contact Us


On Base: 911
Off Base: 119

Hospital Information-24H

US: 011-81-46-816-7144
DSN: 243-7144
Off Base: 046-816-7144

MHS Nurse Advice Line (NAL)

Off Base: 0120-996-985 or 00-66-3382-1820
DSN: 94-888-901-7144
From US: 1-888-901-7144
From Korea: 08-0500-4011

Customer Relations

DNS: 315-243-8627
Email: Customer Service

TRICARE Service Center

US: 011-81-46-816-9528
DSN: 243-9528
Off Base: 046-816-9528

Emergency Room

US: 011-81-46-816-5137
DSN: 243-5137
Off Base: 046-816-5137

Transparency in Medicine

Learn more about the program by clicking on one of the following links:

See How We're Doing

Compare Military Health System Hospitals and Clinics
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!