Health Clinics

Branch Health Clinic Atsugi


About Us

We are a tenant command aboard U.S. Naval Air Facility Atsugi, Japan. The Branch Health Clinic provides primary health services, dental services and flight medicine to approximately 30 commands and activities stationed aboard the NAF. Health care is limited to primary medical and dental care. Specialists are located at USNH Yokosuka, which is one to two hours from NAF Atsugi. A weekday shuttle is available; otherwise, roundtrip tolls are 2,200 yen, out-of-pocket. Our clinic also provides routine obstetrics service, but deliveries are performed at U.S. Naval Hospital Yokosuka.

Our Services

  • Dental Clinic
  • Immunizations
  • Industrial Hygiene
  • Laboratory
  • Occupational Health
  • Optometry
  • Pharmacy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Preventive Medicine
  • Primary Care Clinic
  • Radiology

Available Services

The Branch Health Clinic provides family practice health care and dental care for routine clinical services. Specialty care is provided by USNH Yokosuka located about 2 hours from NAF Atsugi. Shuttle service is available. 

Routine Health Care

Appointments are required for all routine health care needs. Please call DSN 264-3958/3959 to make a routine appointment. Some examples of routine health care include: 

  • Physical Exams 
  • Optometry 
  • Well Baby Exams 
  • Coughs, Colds, and Low Fevers 
  • Sinus Pain 
  • Earaches 
  • Non-allergic Insect Bites 
  • Routine Procedures 

Emergency Care

The clinic does NOT contain an Emergency Room or an Urgent Care Center, however, clinic personnel may respond to medical emergencies on base. The clinic relies on local Japanese facilities or the Naval Hospital for all higher levels of emergency care and will transport patients to an appropriate facility immediately when necessary.

In case of emergency, please call 911 or 046-763-0911 on base, or 119 off base.

Enrolled in a TRICARE Prime plan?
Contact your primary care manager within 24 hours or the next business day after you receive emergency care.

After Hours Care

For non-emergent concerns after hours please contact the MHS Nurse Advice Line to speak with a registered nurse for health care advice.

DSN: 94-888-901-7144
From U.S.: 888-901-7144
From Korea: 08-0500-4011
Off-Base: 0120-996-985 or 00-66-3382-1820


All clinics are closed on federal holidays, and training holidays announced by the command. 

Health Promotion & Wellness

The mission of the Health and Wellness Program is to promote health and fitness through awareness, programs and services offered to military personnel, family members, civilians and other eligible beneficiaries in the community. 

Regularly offered classes, services, training, and presentations can be arranged virtually through the core facility, U.S. Naval Hospital Yokosuka's Regional Health Promotion & Wellness Department, or through your local HP coordinator.

We offer individual or group counseling and services on Tobacco Cessation, Weight Management, Nutrition Coaching, and the ShipShape Program. The HPW Program offers various Health & Wellness Activities throughout the year. Nicotine replacement therapy is also available through your primary care provider. 

If you or your command or organization is interested in a having a presentation or training on wellness related issues, please contact the local HPW coordinator at DSN 264-4734.

Additional services and classes may be accessed virtually or in person at our Regional Wellness Center and Health Promotion Clinic in Yokosuka. 

Visit the Regional Wellness Center and Health Promotion Department's webpage for more information.



DSN: 315-243-9776
Local: 046-816-9776
International: 011-81-46-816-9776

Contact Us


DSN: 911
Commercial: 046-763-0911


DSN: 264-3958


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 
8 a.m. to 2 p.m.; 4 - 6 p.m.
Lab and Pharmacy walk-in services are available daily until 5 p.m.

Dental Clinic

DSN: 264-3612

Medical Records

DSN: 264-3611
Primary Care Clinic
(by appointment only)
DSN: 264-3958

Medical Shuttle

Departs from Atsugi from Cinema 77
Departs from Yokosuka from USNH Emergency Room
Please refer to base TV channel for schedules

Officer In Charge

BHC Atsugi, Japan
PSC 477 Box 2
FPO, AP 96306-1602


U.S: 011-81-46-763-3207
DSN: 315-264-3207

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!